Flywire's payment experience


Australian Pen Pan Exchange

A number of pupils in the Senior School have recently taken the opportunity to be part of a pen pal arrangement with pupils from Toowoomba Grammar School in Queensland, Australia. Communications have ranged from emails to video links over social media, and have given the pupils an invaluable opportunity to compare notes about life, school, home and social lives. Several commented that it was especially welcome to be able to reach out to another teenager over the last very strange few months, when school has been such a changed experience and friendships have had to be conducted so differently. A common theme was the Black Lives Matters movement, which has clearly engaged and inspired our pupils and their Australian counterparts, while other topics have involved food, schoolwork and music – even resulting in a 10,000 mile socially-distanced WhatsApp songwriting session!

Well done to all of these pupils for making this exchange such a success, and thank you to Wells English teacher Andrew O’Sullivan, for coordinating the project.

Open Morning

Saturday, 8th March 2025
from 10.00am – 1.00pm

Click here to Register