Our busy and creative curriculum extends to our inspiring outdoor classroom. With access to our beautifully maintained grounds, we always find new places to explore together! In addition to all range of outdoor play facilities, including an all-weather lawn, an adventure playground and ‘The Enchanted Forest’, all our children receive regular, fun and active outdoor opportunities as part of their curriculum; scavenger hunts, building dens, imagining adventures with the Flower Fairies, digging in the vegetable patch, creating mud art and hunting minibeasts.
We also enjoy a weekly Welly Wednesday session where the children benefit from the Forest School ethos, learn important skills such as fire safety and tool use, and leave the session with a real sense of achievement and fulfilment.
Children are encouraged and taught to understand risks, learn the importance of boundaries and develop the skills of communication and collaboration. It is a pleasure to see our pupils come to life outdoors, thriving in confidence.
They’re not just playing in nature, they are: Learning, creating, sensing, believing, relaxing, exploring, observing, wondering, connecting, discovering, appreciating, understanding, experimenting…
– Penny Whitehouse