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As we are so privileged to have such outstanding music provision and opportunities through our specialist music faculty, we are committed to sharing it with the local community and schools nationwide. Through our extensive music outreach programme, individuals of all ages and school groups can benefit from our world-class teachers and facilities. If you have any questions about any of our outreach activities or wish to get involved, please contact our music outreach team on [email protected].

Please see the links below or scroll down for details of some of our regular outreach opportunities.

Brass Skills Day
Instrument Skills Days
Open to various abilities and ages
Violin Practice at Wells Music School UK
Wells Music College
One-to-one instrumental lessons and ensembles
Piano Club at Wells Specialist Music School UK
Piano Club
For adult learners of any ability
Wells Young Musicians String Orchestra, available at our Specialist Music School
Wells Young Musicians String Orchestra
For Grade 1-5 players aged 6-13
Lower Sixth pupils from our Specialist Music School visit local schools
Concerts and Workshops
For schools, nursing homes and community groups
Song Squad rehearsing at Wells Cathedral
Song Squad
For boys and girls in years 3-6

Instrument Skills Days

Wells Cathedral School hosts a whole range of musical activities and training opportunities for players and teachers from across the South West. As a specialist music school, our renowned Instrument Skills Days are run by some of the leading professional musicians in their field.
Click here for forthcoming opportunities

Piano Club

The Piano Club is a friendly and encouraging place for mainly adult learners of any ability to share their experiences of playing the piano. The sessions are informal, include refreshments, and are an opportunity to play to each other and discuss all things relating to playing the instrument at any level and any style. It is also an excellent way of making new friends.

The club meets on Wednesday mornings once a month, in term time, in the grand surroundings of Quilter Hall at Wells Cathedral School. Participants are invited to arrive at 9.45am for a cup of coffee and sessions run from 10.00am – 12.00pm.

2023 Dates

3rd May
7th June
13th September
11th October
8th November
6th December

2024 Dates

10th January
7th February
13th March
8th May
12th June

If you would like more information, or would like to join the group, please contact our Wells Music Outreach Team on [email protected]

As an adult learner I had always had lessons but had only played for myself and had never met anyone else who enjoyed piano playing for pleasure. It was very much a solitary exercise and I rarely finished any piece I was learning. For me, coming new into the area, Piano Club has meant joining a group of friends each month and music has become the centre of my life and has helped me to settle in a new place after spending 23 years in the north east.

Piano Club participant

Wells Music College

Music Lessons and Ensembles with our expert tutors

Wells Music College offers opportunities for anyone outside Wells Cathedral School to apply for one-to-one instrumental lessons with our world-class teachers.

The full range of instrumental disciplines can be covered and often it is possible to extend and enrich the experience through access to some of the excellent ensembles in the school.

Click here for our Wells Music College Prospectus.

If you would like to join the Wells Music College, please complete this application form.

For more information, please contact us at [email protected] or 01749 834487.

Wells Young Musicians String Orchestra

Running Saturdays in term time from 10.00am - 11.00am for children aged 6 - 13, Grades 1 - 5.

Our Wells Young Musicians String Orchestra (WYMSO), a free string group for players aged 6-13 (Grades 1-5). WYMSO – run by Clare Rowntree, Head of Music at Wells Cathedral Prep School – encourages and develops young players within a relaxed and enjoyable environment, aiming to produce excellent end-of-term performances. The group meets on Saturdays from 10.00am – 11.00am at the Wells Cathedral Music School on St Andrews Street (across from Wells Cathedral, near Wells Museum).

For an informal discussion about your child joining the group please contact Clare Rowntree on [email protected]

We always look forward to welcoming new players! If you’d like to join us, please complete our online application form. If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected]

It is because of WYMSO that we decided to send our daughter to Wells Cathedral School. For me it has been the only forum available in our area for her to join in and play her violin to a high standard of expectation and discipline. The environment has always been very welcoming and very accepting of all abilities.

She has also met lots of lovely children who, like her, actually want to enjoy playing well together in a beautiful environment. The concerts are always a glimpse for the children into possible future endeavours and overall it is a wonderful introduction to the world of musical performance and enjoyment that naturally spills over into lots of other areas of a child’s life.

One of our parents

Workshops and Concerts

Workshops in our community and concerts in schools and nursing homes form part of our annual programme.

A variety of our musical ensembles pay visits to schools to assist in workshops tailored to the needs of the school. Recently, visits have been made by a string quartet, a brass quintet and a jazz combo where the musicians have accompanied the school orchestra or jazz group and then performed a concert to parents.

Furthermore, groups of pupils create a 30 minute show to introduce their instruments and the orchestra to local primary schools. The children remain captivated by the music and the players and are much amused by such a humorous and engaging production.

Requests from schools, charitable events and nursing homes are always welcomed on the understanding that we may not always be able to fulfil all the requests. Please contact us on 01749 834487 / [email protected] if you’d like your group to be considered.

Song Squad

Our Junior Choir

Would you like to sing, have fun and make new friends?

Wells Cathedral Song Squad is our Junior Choir open to all children aged 4 to 13 (inclusive), who attend any school. It’s great fun and there’s no audition. The only requirements are an eagerness to learn and a love of singing!

Wells Cathedral Song Squad Minis (ages 4 – 6)

This training choir for the well-established Song Squad gives younger children the opportunity to sing to a high standard and perform concerts both on their own and alongside Song Squad. Rehearsals are held on Tuesdays during term time from 5.00pm – 5.40pm in the Education Room at Wells Cathedral.

Wells Cathedral Song Squad (ages 7 – 13)

This fun choir is open to all who attend any school with no need to audition – children just need to enjoy singing! Rehearsals are held on Tuesdays during term time from 5.00pm – 6.15pm in the Education Room at Wells Cathedral.

Join Us

If you know a child aged 4 to 13 who loves singing, please be in touch! For more information on either choir, please contact Jill via [email protected]

Latest News

Alastair Tighe, Head Master of Wells Cathedral School, an independent school in Somerset

I would like to invite you to our Open Morning on Saturday, 8th March

Alastair Tighe, Head Master

Click here to Register