EDF Energy STEM Visit
Last Wednesday, a representative from EDF Energy came to talk to Year 9 pupils about the future of energy production. Pupils learnt that EDF is the biggest generator of low-carbon electricity as they use different sources of electricity like wind, nuclear and solar.
As part of the session, pupils built wind turbines in teams to try and generate maximum electricity.
Sophie Lam, in Year 9 said “We adjusted our turbine to try and make it spin quicker when the wind was going forward. In my group, we used three windmill blades to make the turbine lighter and quicker. We also used a tightened, medium-sized pulley and a rubber band to secure the generator. The angle and the size of windmill blades and the size of the pulley all affected the speed of rotation. The turbine rotated due to the wind and when it arrived at the correct speed it started generating electricity.”
“After saving energy, we will have a better and healthier planet and even more cleaner air and higher quality of life. Thank you to EDF for coming in for this fun and informative workshop.”