Flywire's payment experience

A Level Art trip to Bristol from our Independent school in Somerset

Art and Photography Trip

On Tuesday, our A level Art and Photography pupils enjoyed a sunny and creative trip to Bristol….

Street Art

Art pupils were able to gain a first hand insight into the origins and rise of Street Art in this bustling and creative city, which became part of a truly ‘global movement’. At the end of an inspiring, creative walk through the city centre down to the river, the ‘Vanguard’ exhibition, at Bristol’s MShed, mesmerised pupils (and teachers alike) with fantastic wall to wall digital displays, relocated Bansky originals and a host of contemporary artwork, created by leading artists, inspired by the dynamic and often controversial world of graffiti!

Street Photography

Our Photographers busily explored the Photography Festival at Bristol Museum Galleries as well as the city itself, taking their very own Street Photography! Pupils were able to view the intriguing and thought provoking work of James Barnor and Sarah Waiswa ahead of taking an action packed, visual journey through the heart of the city down to the Habourside area. Inspired by the exhibitions they visited, they set about photographing the ever changing urban landscape they passed from as many different imaginative viewpoints as possible, taking in the odd Bansky masterpiece along the way!

Photography trip to Bristol from our independent Sixth Form in Somerset

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