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Wells Cathedral School WCS Independent Somerset Easter Chorister Choir

Choristers Enjoy Busy Easter Period

The Choristers are in the midst of a busy Easter period with services beginning on Palm Sunday and ongoing through to Easter Sunday.

Cathedral visitors enjoyed Hosanna!, a sequence of music and readings for Holy Week on the afternoon of Palm Sunday. This is to be followed by an hour of devotion as part of the Cathedral’s Three Hours Devotion service on Good Friday and a jam-packed Easter Sunday involving Cathedral Eucharist, Matins and Festal Evensong throughout the day, though the thing they will most be looking forward to is the upcoming Easter egg hunt in the Cathedral’s Camery Garden!

If your son or daughter is interested in joining the internationally renowned Choir, auditions are now taking place for Year 4 and Year 5 entry in September 2022. Please call 01749 834213 or email [email protected] to find out more.

Join us at our Open Day on Saturday 5th October and see why so many people find Wells such a special place!

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