Mr Bowen delivers lecture at English in Action conference
The Senior School’s Head of English, Mr Bowen, travelled to London on Tuesday 7th November to deliver a lecture on tragedy to A level pupils at an English Literature conference organised by Education in Action.
As part of the day’s talks on the literary, social and international perspectives of the AQA B A level option ‘Aspects of tragedy’, Mr Bowen’s lecture was on the theme of ‘Hunting for a hamartia: Is a dead knight a tragedy?’ and considered the extent to which the protagonists in these poems are to blame for their own downfalls and to what extent they are victims of external forces.
As part of the day’s talks on the literary, social and international perspectives of the AQA B A level option ‘Aspects of tragedy’, Mr Bowen’s lecture was on the theme of ‘Hunting for a hamartia: Is a dead knight a tragedy?’ and considered the extent to which the protagonists in these poems are to blame for their own downfalls and to what extent they are victims of external forces.