Flywire's payment experience

'Royal Wedding' for Wells

The Wedding of the Year

On Thursday pupils in the nursery and reception classes took part in a magnificent mock wedding ceremony in Wells Cathedral. The children entered the Lady Chapel in wedding order whilst the organist played Widor, our very own ‘Meghan Markle’ was given away by the father of the bride, hymns including Jerusalem were sung, Haribo rings were exchanged and vows were made. The West Doors of the Cathedral were opened as the newly married couple appeared for photographs, whilst confetti was thrown and one of the bridesmaids caught the bouquet.

The pupils then went on to host a traditional Wedding Breakfast in the Nursery Garden, where the new bride and groom cut the cake and danced.

The children worked very hard in the run up to the big day, creating the order of services, designing the outfits, making the bouquets, catering for the event by baking royal biscuits and assembling cucumber sandwiches. They even practised a first dance waltz. The nursery team provided the Wedding Breakfast and attended as royal guests.

Such a wonderful event could not have been carried out without huge support from a huge number of parents, who organised the service, made the two-tiered wedding cake, took photographs and helped with the costumes. It was a perfect parent-partnership and created an occasion that will be remembered and treasured!

Join us at our Open Day on Saturday 5th October and see why so many people find Wells such a special place!

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