Flywire's payment experience

Bronze & Silver Duke of Edinburgh Expeditions

Seven Year 10 and 11 pupils completed their Silver; whilst 70 Year 9 pupils completed their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Qualifying Expedition in perfect weather in the rugged Quantock Hills over the Easter break.

The Year 9 pupils spent the Friday evening at the Army Cadet Force (ACF) Training Centre at Bridgwater preparing for their expedition and benefiting from a CCF taster with LT James Commander, the ACF Platoon Commander. Pupils were given the opportunity to test their skills at map reading, command tasks, camouflage and concealment, as well as military drill.

The following morning, the groups set off early to complete their 15km walk across the Quantocks, finishing at Holford Campsite where they set up their tents and cooked supper over camping stoves. They completed their expedition with an 8km climb in the hills the following day, returning to Wells by mid-afternoon.

The Silver group set off from Wells on the Friday morning, preparing for their expedition with LT Glynn Lancey at the ACF Training Centre at Bridgwater. After an 8km hike across the Quantocks they camped at the ACF Centre in Cannington; followed by a 25km walk along the coast at Hinkley Point on the Saturday. They joined the pupils completing Bronze at Holford Campsite on the Saturday night, before completing the expedition on the Sunday.

All groups benefited from the satellite trackers owned or hired by the School, providing extra peace of mind for staff and parents!

Further groups will complete their Qualifying expeditions on the Mendips in the Trinity term.

Join us at our Open Day on Saturday 5th October and see why so many people find Wells such a special place!

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