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TuneUpTuesday at Our Independent Secondary School

Tune up Tuesday – Celebrating the Importance of the Arts

Pupils at Wells, along with thousands of young people from across the country, took part in the uplifting online event #tuneupTuesday this week.

The event aimed to highlight the importance of the arts, whilst continuing to encourage young people to pursue a career in this amazing industry, despite the difficulties posed by covid-19.

Pupils had the opportunity to access a free library of five minute activities designed by professionals to develop artistic skills, covering music, dance, art, drama, design, poetry, screenwriting and more.

Amongst a range of activities across the week, Wells Head of Student Experience, Jayne Obradovic, organised a samba band outreach session for pupils from Nursery right through to the Upper Sixth to participate as part of the day.

In addition to their regular weekly timetabled focus on the creative arts, Senior pupils enjoyed rehearsals of Upper School Production ‘Our Country’s Good’ and active participation in the performance study of ‘A Christmas Carol’ and in ‘DNA for Year 8 and Year 9 classes, respectively.

In addition to drawing and painting in art classes, the creation of beautiful images in photography classes, mugs were designed for the School’s 1,111 Anniversary.

Finally, on top of the daily plethora of music lessons, practice and ensembles, musicians enjoyed participating in the weekly lunchtime concerts in Cedars Hall, there was Choral practice for choristers in Wells Cathedral and performances from the Early Music Ensemble in the Quilter Hall.

Thanks to everyone involved in a very creative few days!

Here’s a link to some of the activities this week:
Tune Up Tuesday



Open Morning

Saturday, 8th March 2025
from 10.00am – 1.00pm

Click here to Register