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Mater Dolorosa Peter Eugene Ball Sculpture WCS Independent School Somerset

Mater Dolorosa Sculpture On Loan In Cedars Hall

The School is privileged to have Mater Dolorosa, a sculpture by Peter Eugene Ball, displayed on loan in the John Baxter Foyer in Cedars Hall.

Peter’s work is often sculpted with, and inspired by, found materials with each piece being the latest form of an object’s many lives. His religious work frequently features figures with closed eyes as if capturing a moment in time, depicting deep concentration and giving the viewer an opportunity to stop and contemplate.

Addressing the School’s pupils as part of a Mother’s Day Assembly in Wells Cathedral, cultural historian Gavin Plumley described the way in which the sculpture’s bowl of tears represents her strength and ability to shoulder a heavy burden, making her a point of reflection for pupils and a valuable step towards expressing themselves should they need further support.  

The sculpture is also a wonderful enhancement to the School’s creative environment, nestled into our world class performing arts venue and complementing the Cedars Hall space. 

The School would like to thank Peter for his kindness which has so enriched our community. To learn more about Peter and his work, click here.

Mater Dolorosa Peter Eugene Ball Sculpture WCS Independent School Somerset

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