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Wells Festival of Running WCS Wells Cathedral Independent School Somerset

Wells Festival of Running

Congratulations to our Sierra Leone Project runners who took part in the Wells Festival of Running as part of the group’s effort to cycle, run, walk and climb their way through 3030 miles, the distance between Wells and Freetown.

The School was represented by eighteen pupils from the Junior School to the Sixth Form, four members of staff and a parent, and won the corporate prize for the largest number of entries. Grace Davies (Upper Sixth) said, “It was a great event and lovely to do something all together, it really feels like it’s starting to happen and all of us are saying how excited we are now!

The Project sees the School work with the Ballanta Academy of Music and Performing Arts (BAMPA) and the J.T Reffell Memorial French Friendship School (JTR) in Freetown, Sierra Leone’s capital, to raise money for a minibus to transport Wells pupils and support the outreach projects we are helping to set up, and to provide musical instruments to BAMPA and sports and science equipment to JRT. 

If you would like to support the Project, please click here.

Pre-Prep Whoosh, Whizz, Wow Open Morning

Wednesday 6th November 2024

Register to attend