Bernard Society’s Making Modern Japan: A Story
On Tuesday 28th February, the Bernard Society hosted its third talk of the year in the Sports Pavilion.
Mr Jason James, Director General of the Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation, visited the School to speak to pupils in Year 9 to the Upper Sixth, teachers, parents and Old Wellensians about Making Modern Japan: A Story. The evening began with refreshments ahead of the talk, and was rounded off with a question and answer session.
We thank Mr James for taking the time to share his insightful knowledge with our pupils.
Mr Jason James, Director General of the Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation, visited the School to speak to pupils in Year 9 to the Upper Sixth, teachers, parents and Old Wellensians about Making Modern Japan: A Story. The evening began with refreshments ahead of the talk, and was rounded off with a question and answer session.
We thank Mr James for taking the time to share his insightful knowledge with our pupils.