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CCF Outdoor Education exercise at Yoxter WCS Wells Cathedral School Independent Prep Somerset England

CCF exercise at Yoxter

The residents of Wells and Somerset were able to sleep safely in their beds when Year 9 CCF cadets deployed in strength to Yoxter Ranges for a Field Weekend.

Bashas were erected and a Patrol Base established from which cadets ventured to a range of Fieldcraft stands throughout the afternoon. 
In preparation for Duke of Edinburgh Bronze expeditions and reflecting the icy forecast for the evening, tents were erected to supplement the spartan Basha accommodation. An introduction to 24 hour Operational Ration packs and cooking in the field took place in the dark. Early morning sunshine melted the ice on the tents and in the warm glow of the October sunshine, training continued. The group were back to School in time for “Tea and Medals”.

We are grateful to the Army Cadet Force volunteers without whose assistance the weekend could not have happened.

The next challenge is to prepare for the Remembrance Day parade.

Open Morning

Saturday, 8th March 2025
from 10.00am – 1.00pm

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