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Harry and Isabella star in Christmas concerts WCS Wells Cathedral School Independent Prep Somerset England

Harry and Isabella star in Christmas concerts

Over the Christmas holidays, Harry (Upper Sixth) and Isabella J (Year 10) raised an incredible £1300 at a charity concert in St Peter’s Church, Draycott. Prior to this, Harry joined none other than the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra for a concert in Wells Cathedral on Saturday 7th December.

Mr Brink, Deputy Director of Music, described: “Not only did Harry play the solos in Karl Jenkins’ Armed Man Mass exquisitely, but he stepped up to play within the cello section with the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra with complete confidence when most of their players were stranded because of the storm. All in a day’s work! We are also delighted to see Harry and Isabella working with Former Director of Music of St Paul’s Cathedral and Guildford Cathedral, Dr Barry Rose OBE, in a charity concert. Dr Rose has recently worked with the Choristers making their just-released recording of Britten’s A Ceremony of Carols amongst other projects and we are delighted that Harry and Isabella have forged more links between him and the music foundation at Wells.”

To learn more about Specialist Music at Wells, click here.

Alastair Tighe, Head Master of Wells Cathedral School, an independent school in Somerset

I would like to invite you to our Open Morning on Saturday, 8th March

Alastair Tighe, Head Master

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