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Guardianship Requirement

If your parents are not resident in the UK, you are required to have a Guardian resident in the UK. Guardians have an important role to play in your life and choosing one should be carefully thought through.

A Guardian acts in ‘loco parentis’ and as such, ensures that all our overseas boarders are well cared for whilst in the UK. Guardians will need to assist with such things as travel arrangements, provide accommodation over exeat weekends or when it is not practical to return home over short mid-session breaks, and act with delegated parental authority in emergencies.

A good Guardian goes beyond this however, providing a service to both the student and the school by taking a genuine interest in student welfare and liaising regularly with the school. This ensures that their charges get the most out of their education and their time in the UK. It also ensures that overseas parents can feel confident that their child is safe and well cared for at all times during their time in the UK.

Guardians may be friends or family who are happy to do this. Alternatively, they may be a third party approved by a recognised agency and CRB checked. In all cases, they must be over 25 years of age and resident in the UK. Our Guardianship Policy can be found here and further general details can found at

Open Morning

Saturday, 8th March 2025
from 10.00am – 1.00pm

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