Flywire's payment experience


“Here at Wells, we are very proud of the very many different ways in which we contribute to the wider community. Our educational and artistic projects are well known, but I am pleased to share the economic benefits that we bring.
“We think very hard about how we can maximise our contribution. Our policy of serving healthy food cooked from scratch using local, seasonal ingredients – recognised with a “Food for Life” accreditation – is just one example of how we do our bit to support other businesses in this beautiful part of the world.
“It is wonderful to realise what a significant part we play in the ongoing success of both our own region, and the UK more widely. We are firmly committed to continuing our contribution to the best of our ability.”
~ Alastair Tighe, Head Master

UK Economy

Number of jobs supported in the UK
Amount contributed each year to the UK economy
Amount contributed each year in UK taxes
Amount taxpayers save each year (by educating pupils who would otherwise be entitled to take up a free UK state school place)

Local Economy

Number of supported jobs in the Mendip region (0.9% of all jobs)
Amount contributed each year to the Mendip economy (0.7% of the total Mendip GDP)
Amount spent each year with local businesses and suppliers

Community News