Flywire's payment experience

Dartmoor Dash!

A group of 18 CCF cadets started the exeat weekend with a brisk and chilly circular walk of the high tors of North Dartmoor. After a night in the NAAFI at Okehampton and sustained by a substantial breakfast from the camp cookhouse, the group started their dash at 7.30am, with the aim of completing the 12 mile route by early afternoon. In a mixture of snow and sleet showers, north westerly winds and some beautiful crisp blue skies the groups reached the summit of High Willays, the highest point in the South West, and made the most of the spectacular views! Many thanks to director of outdoor learning, Chris Rondel, and his dedicated team of Ken Padgett, Jonathan Barnard and Glyn Lancey, who accompanied and entertained the students on the trip during their own exeat weekend.

Join us at our Open Day on Saturday 5th October and see why so many people find Wells such a special place!

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