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Cross Country

Sophie Selected for England!

Congratulations to Year 9 cross country runner, Sophie Nicholls, who came in the top three out of 344 girls in Saturday’s National Schools Cross Country Championships in Liverpool, and has subsequently been selected for the England Junior Cross Country Team! 

Sophie, who is not yet 14, ran in the U15 age group, a year younger than her age group. Director of Sport, Tom Webley said, “In a field of 344 runners, all kinds of things can go wrong so it’s quite an extraordinary achievement.”

The National Schools Cross Country Championships, held at Sefton Park in Liverpool featured six highly competitive races and represents the climax of the cross country calendar.

The two other Wells runners who represented Somerset at the Championships, Upper Sixth pupils Matthew Howard and Ella Leonard also both ran extremely well.  

Open Morning

Saturday, 8th March 2025
from 10.00am – 1.00pm

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