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François Awarded Postgraduate Diploma

Congratulations to Upper Sixth musician, François Cloete, who has just been awarded a postgraduate Associates Diploma (ARCO) from the Royal College of Organists.

Associateship of the College indicates a standard of professional competency in organ playing technique, essential keyboard skills and interpretative understanding. It also indicates accuracy in aural perception and fluency in those written disciplines (standard stylistic techniques and analysis of performance and historical issues in relation to organ repertoire) which support practical musicianship.

The Associateship examination consists of two sections: a Practical Examination, which includes Organ Playing and Keyboard Skills; and Written Papers, which comprises two papers.

François is awaiting the arrival of his postgraduate gown, which he will be entitled to wear for formal events, much like the staff at Wells! 

Join us at our Open Day on Saturday 5th October and see why so many people find Wells such a special place!

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