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Bigny Cup WCS Wells Cathedral Independent School Somerset England

Bigny Cup

Congratulations to Haversham House who won this year’s Bigny Cup for their performance of The Timetravelling Text Book.

Cedars Hall was filled to the rafters with supporting pupils and teachers, and there was no shortage of talent, inventiveness or creativity on show as Houses battled for the coveted prize. Pupils were thrilled that Old Wellensian Emily Eavis, organiser of Glastonbury Festival, and Lily Sobhani, producer of US Comic Relief, judged the competition and sincerely hope that they will return for more fun and capers next year!

Well done to everyone for their hard work and contributions towards what was a very entertaining evening.

Join us at our Open Day on Saturday 5th October and see why so many people find Wells such a special place!

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