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The Mayor’s Concert at Wells Cathedral School WCS an Independent Prep in Somerset England

The Mayor’s Concert

Young bands and singer-songwriters from Wells Cathedral School, Wells Blue School and Strode College descended on Cedars Hall towards the end of last Term for what has now become a firm fixture in the calendar – ‘The Mayor’s Concert’.

Started by former Mayor Philip Welch, this annual collaboration between schools is a joyous celebration and sharing of talent. The event supported current Mayor Stewart Cursley’s chosen charity PROMISEworks who provide mentors for young people.

There was a wonderful atmosphere, captured here by Kamin Hiranpruek (Lower Sixth), and as ever, the young bands relished the chance to perform to each other (and chat afterwards)!

Join us at our Open Day on Saturday 5th October and see why so many people find Wells such a special place!

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