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CHAT 14 - Heaven on a Human Scale WCS Wells Cathedral School Somerset England

CHAT 14 – Heaven on a Human Scale

On the evening of Friday 21st April, pupils enjoyed a rare opportunity to gain a new and enriching perspective on the familiar, yet always breathtaking, architecture of Wells Cathedral at CHATS Talk 14 ‘Heaven on a Human Scale’ in Cedars Hall with Cultural Historian, Gavin Plumley.

Gavin encouraged his audience to consider both the significant challenges faced in the building’s construction and, unlike many other Cathedrals, the ‘human scale’ of its architectural form.

The evening provided pupils with a thought-provoking and highly informative glimpse into the creation and history of this Early Gothic place of worship, along with its relationship to the location and landscape in which it was constructed, beautifully illustrated by the ‘newly commissioned’ photographs of Lynnsey Kelly.

The next talk in the CHATS series is ‘A Journey Within‘ with artist Olivia Fraser on Thursday 1st June.

Pre-Prep Whoosh, Whizz, Wow Open Morning

Wednesday 6th November 2024

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