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Chorister Camp-out Wells Cathedral School WCS Independent Prep Somerset England

Chorister Camp-out

On the evening of Friday 29th September, the Choristers gathered for the Chorister Camp-out in the Cathedral, an event that is proving to be something of a tradition!

As the School community closed its doors for the Exeat weekend, the Choristers pitched tents across the Cathedral transepts.

A mild evening meant games 
in the Camery Garden, a session of ‘sing for your supper’ with the Choral Scholars, dinner at Fosso, then into pyjamas for a movie before crawling into tents at midnight.

After a restful night(!), Mr 
Wells arrived for the early morning wake up to ensure that everyone was ready to decamp ahead of meeting Chorister families at The Bishop’s Palace Café for breakfast. Exeat allowed both boarding and local Choristers to meet on Saturday morning and share stories over coffee and breakfast with their families.

None of 
this would have been possible without Mr Hamilton, the Cathedral’s Director of Music, as well as Mr and Mrs Dine for helping to set up the tents, the Organ and Choral Scholars, Miss Dowse, Mr and Mrs Lichter and Mrs Pike for helping with activities, the Organ Scholars and Mr Lichter for helping with overnight shifts and Dave Francis and Lee Stevens for helping with logistics. A big thank you to you all.

The Choristers’ exhaustion was worth the fun as they had a wonderful Camp-out!

Join us at our Open Day on Saturday 5th October and see why so many people find Wells such a special place!

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