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Anti-Bullying Week WCS Wells Cathedral School Independent Prep Somerset England

Anti-Bullying Week

Pupils and staff across the School have marked Anti-Bullying Week.

On Monday 13th November, the School community wore odd socks to celebrate uniqueness, and we welcomed motivational speaker Ben Smith. Speaking in the Sixth Form Enrichment session, Ben covered topics including bullying, growing up, LGBTQ+, suicide, challenges, overcoming adversity and mental health. He also spoke to children in Years 5 and 6 about running 401 marathons to raise awareness of bullying and unkind behaviour, and the importance of speaking up and supporting each other because everyone deserves to be their true selves.

On Tuesday 14th November, 15 staff members took part in Mental Health First Aid Champion training with Vanessa Gordon from Heads Up Somerset, learning how to spot signs of mental ill health and how to provide and signpost further support.

On Wednesday 15th November, pupils in the Senior School were challenged to guess who was who in a video of the Senior Management Team dancing in their odd socks, with the identities revealed on Friday 17th November. Meanwhile, pupils in the Prep School contemplated kindness in their reflection times and assemblies.

Open Morning

Saturday, 8th March 2025
from 10.00am – 1.00pm

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