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A celebration of Composition WCS Wells Cathedral School Independent Prep Somerset England

A celebration of Composition

Our resident composers have been delighting audiences both as part of the Sound of Wells Festival and at our own School Composers Concert.

The Cathedral Choir beautifully performed Eva (Upper Sixth)’s piece, ‘Then I shall leap into love’, at Evensong as part of the Festival, and Cathedral visitors were blown away by the variety and quality of pieces at Tuesday 7th May’s Lunchtime Concert as part of the Festival’s programme.

On Monday 13th May, James (Upper Sixth)’s evocative composition ‘There is no rose of such virtue’ was enchantingly performed by Lydia and Sophie (Upper Sixth) in the Senior School Cathedral service, and on Tuesday 14th May Cedars Hall was filled with the sound of wonderful performances over the course of a full programme at the Composers Concert.

Paul Whitmarsh, our Composition teacher, commented:

It’s been such a joy to see our Composition pupils express themselves so vividly in performances of their music in the Cathedral last week and our Composers Concert this week. We’ve heard a diverse range of styles and genres of music in really well-crafted compositions, which have been excellently performed by the composers themselves and fellow pupils. Our huge thanks to all composers, instrumentalists and singers who have devoted so much time to bring this music to life.”

To learn more about Composition at Wells, click here.

Open Morning

Saturday, 8th March 2025
from 10.00am – 1.00pm

Click here to Register