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Modern Foreign Languages, Business and Economics talk WCS Wells Cathedral School Independent Prep Somerset England

Modern Foreign Languages, Business and Economics talk

On Friday 17th January, pupils in Year 11 were joined by some of our Upper Sixth Business and Economics pupils for a 90 minute seminar about the importance of languages in the world of work, particularly as an additional skill. We welcomed three guest speakers: OW Alice Obradovic (2015), People and Culture Coordinator at Lululemon, Duncan Cowper, Digital and Marketing Consultant for the Kingfisher Group, and Simon McCoy, a Senior Economist at the Foreign Office. Alice highlighted that being able to address someone in their own language changes the dynamics of the relationship you are trying to build with them, Duncan spoke engagingly about winning friends and influencing people, and Simon invited everyone not to make final decisions too quickly but instead to open their minds to the possibilities on offer and use their languages wherever possible. Three of our Wells staff also spoke about how they used languages in their careers prior to teaching. Dr Mitchell talked about her time in the French pharmaceutical world, Mr Murdoch of his time as an academic advisor in Laos and Mrs Mahon of her internship with Adidas and subsequent work abroad.

Ms Desmarchelier, Director of Languages who organised the talks along with Mrs Mahon, Head of Business and Economics, concluded the talk by praising our English as an Additional Language (EAL) pupils who spend every day in School using a foreign language and sit their exams in a foreign language. She poignantly asked: “We can all speak a foreign language – the question is, are we willing to get out of our comfort zone and engage with others in their native tongue?

Both Ms Desmarchelier and Mrs Mahon agreed that the talk was a great success with lots of pupils saying they had been inspired. Ms Desmarchelier added, “Our pupils were really receptive and positive, and we hope that this is going to give them food for thought with A level subject choices looming on the horizon. The more versatile they are, the better.

To find out more about our Senior School Curriculum and Results, click here.

Alastair Tighe, Head Master of Wells Cathedral School, an independent school in Somerset

I would like to invite you to our Open Morning on Saturday, 8th March

Alastair Tighe, Head Master

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