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Strong start to Netball Term WCS Wells Cathedral School Independent Prep Somerset England

Strong start to Netball Term

The Netball Term is off to a great start with wins for our U13B, U13C and U12A teams, while our U12B narrowly missed out by just one goal. These brilliant results against Millfield Prep School, Clayesmore and Queen’s College Taunton are in conjunction with a tournament win for the U13A team.

Mrs Williams, Head of Netball, commented, “All teams are developing brilliantly and I have been so impressed with the progress everyone is making. Netball clinics and clubs have been well attended and I have loved seeing the enthusiasm of all players growing with each week. With only four weeks of the Netball Term behind us, I can’t wait to see what the pupils can achieve in the next seven weeks.”

Mrs Williams herself has been in Loughborough this week coaching the British Army Netball team in their fixture against Malawi, who are ranked 7th best in the world and were warming up for the Netball Nations Cup.

For those looking to improve in this fun and energetic sport, join our Performance Netball Camp run by our Enterprises Department.

Alastair Tighe, Head Master of Wells Cathedral School, an independent school in Somerset

I would like to invite you to our Open Morning on Saturday, 8th March

Alastair Tighe, Head Master

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