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Leaving a legacy to Wells Cathedral School

Our mission is simple: to make it possible for more children who could flourish at Wells to come to school here.

Wells is a School that values and encourages individuality and creativity, recognising that diversity among our School community fosters both. There is no such thing as a typical Wellensian, we are proud to have pupils from all walks of life and backgrounds – each of them bringing a unique perspective that enriches the whole School community.
Like many who enjoyed bursaries (or Direct Grant/Assisted Places) here in the past, we want future generations to benefit from those same opportunities.
By including a gift to the School in your will, you are helping shape the lives of future Wellensians.

Did you know…?

All legacy gifts made to the Foundation are exempt from UK Inheritance and Capital Gains Taxes? If you leave 10% or more of your chargeable net estate to charity, the Inheritance Tax (IHT) rate on the whole of your taxable estate is reduced from 40% to 36%.
You can leave just 1% of your estate’s value to the Foundation in your Will? This leaves the remaining 99% to the people closest to you. You can, of course, leave more if you wish to.

Next steps

For more information or to request a printed copy of our Legacy Brochure, call us on 01749 834251 or email us.
email us
If you have already included, or intend to include Wells Cathedral School Foundation in your Will, we would be grateful if you would let us know by completing our pledge form.

Pledge Form

Seeking advice

Whilst we endeavour to ensure all information is correct, we recommend you consult your tax advisor and accountant when considering changes to your financial affairs. You may also refer to the Inland Revenue website at for the latest information on tax efficient giving.

Bursaries change lives

Bursaries aren’t a one way street. Every one of the pupils receiving a significant bursary understands the gift and opportunity they’ve been given – and they play their part in return, enriching the educational experience of every child at Wells Cathedral School.

Other ways you can play your part…

Wells Cathedral School Foundation: Registered Charity No: 1118159 / Registered Company No. 2804495

Open Morning

Saturday, 8th March 2025
from 10.00am – 1.00pm

Click here to Register