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National Star Recordingq

National Star Recording

In mid-May, National Youth Orchestra percussionists, Alfie Creber and Stan Talman, along with Co-ordinator of the Percussion Department, Jayne Obradovic, recorded videos for the National Star Charity project. The Charity has been working on a special project, called the Percushion Wave, to connect everyone who is in lockdown or shielding because of health issues.

National Star is a UK charity which supports young people with complex disabilities. While some students are at college in Gloucestershire, many more are shielding at home and everyone is feeling rather disconnected and isolated. 60% of the students are resident, however, it is all very different from regular college and they have a lot of students who are shielding at home.

The project is called the Percushion Wave, to connect everyone who is in lockdown or shielding because of health issues, using  music to connect everyone – and make a fantastic sound.

What is a percushion? It is a homemade percussion instrument. Take a cushion cover and fill it with whatever you can find during lockdown to make music. It’s a recycling project and a sensory project in one! 

National Star have edited all the pieces, including those recorded by Alfie, Stan and Jayne, into a wonderful wave of sound which can be viewed on the link below:

Alastair Tighe, Head Master of Wells Cathedral School, an independent school in Somerset

I would like to invite you to our Open Morning on Saturday, 8th March

Alastair Tighe, Head Master

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